Not About Time

Ladies and Gentlemen! Friends and strangers! Time has come to unveil Tukkateatteri’s first ever English-speaking play.

Not About Time is an original piece by the members of the Tukka Goes Hair -workshop. The play is a short, episodic piece framed by the changing of the seasons and it tells the story of one woman’s journey through grief, guilt and eventually acceptance. However, the play is also a comedy guaranteed to leave the audience in stiches with its array of hilarious side characters.

Tukka Goes Hair ends its first (but not last!) wonderful workshop with the premiere of Not About Time. Tukka Goes Hair is an English-speaking workshop aimed at exchange students and expats in Tampere. Throughout the spring, we have gathered tools from workshops on different aspects of theatre to create something of our own.

Not About Time lähti liikkeelle Tukka Goes Hair -työpajasta

Tukka Goes Hair -työpaja lähti vetäjiensä halusta tehdä teatteria englanniksi ja suunnattiin Tampereella asuville vaihto-oppilaille ja englanninkielisille, teatterista kiinnostuneille asukkaille. Alusta lähtien ajatuksena oli tutustua teatterin tekemisen eri osa-alueisiin ja nähdä kuinka laajaa osaamista teatterin tekeminen vaatii. Kevään aikana olemme tutustuneet niin improvisaatioon, näyttelemiseen, ohjaamiseen kuin tuottamiseenkin. Esityksemme on muodostunut kevään aikana työpajakerroillamme, omista kynistämme ja yhteistyöllä.


  • Original idea: Tukka Goes Hair -workshop
  • Dramatization: Annu Hakala, Anne Kaasinen, Eveliina Niemi and Laura Failla
  • Direction: Annu Hakala, Anne Kaasinen, Eveliina Niemi, Laura Failla and Ricardo Santos
  • Set design: Annu Hakala and workshop
  • Costume design: Anne Kaasinen and workshop
  • Music: Markus Grönfors
  • Sound design: Eveliina Niemi and workshop
  • Light and Sound technician: Evangelia Kritikos
  • Photography: Evangelia Kritikos
  • Graphic design: Evangelia Kritikos and workshop
  • Actors: Nina Bakker, Anzhelika Manasheva, Svetlana Zorova, Amy Paquin, Valentine Pia, Topi Mastosalo, Kaidi Kriisa, Ricardo Santos, Rugile Skairyte, Dabin Park, Alexandra Reinig, Pete Ondrovic and Laura Failla


  • Sat 16.5. at 19.00 premiere
  • Wed 20.5. at 19.00
  • Fri 22.5. at 19.00
  • Sat 23.5. at 14.00 and 19.00

Duration approx. 30 minutes.


  • 9 €
  • 5 € students

Ticket booking: lippuvaraukset(at) or tel. 041 440 5022

Ticket sales open 1/2 hour before the performance. Note! We only accept cash.


Tukkateatteri is located at Kumppanuustalo Artteli, Salhojankatu 42. The entrance is at Tammelankatu’s side. The photo of the building and entrance can be found here.

Not About Time event on Facebook:


All photos by Evangelia Kritikos.

In the role: Amy Paquin

In the role: Amy Paquin

Anzhelika Manasheva, Ricardo Santos and Svetlana Zorova

In the roles: Anzhelika Manasheva (standing), Ricardo Santos and Svetlana Zorova

Anzhelika Manasheva, Rugile Skairyte, Alexandra Reinig and Dabin Park

In the roles: Anzhelika Manasheva (standing), Rugile Skairyte (in the middle), Alexandra Reinig (on the right) and Dabin Park

Laura Failla, Anzhelika Manasheva, Svetlana Zorova and Nina Bakker

In the roles: (from right to left) Laura Failla , Anzhelika Manasheva, Svetlana Zorova and Nina Bakker (below)

Nina Bakker and Amy Paquin

In the roles: Nina Bakker (on the left) and Amy Paquin

Rugile Skairyte, Nina Bakker and Topi Mastosalo

In the roles: (from left to right) Rugile Skairyte, Nina Bakker and Topi Mastosalo

Nina Bakker and Kaidi Kriisa

In the roles: Nina Bakker and Kaidi Kriisa (sitting)